
Europe, Middle East & Africa

Eligibility Details

Olympus EMEA Grants activities are based on Olympus’ corporate philosophy, “Making people’s lives healthier, safer and more fulfilling“. Through Grants, Olympus lives up to its commitment and responsibility to address social issues.

We provide monetary aid and in-kind Grants to educational as well as research activities, conducted by healthcare organizations for public welfare, that relate to our priority area: “Medicine and Health”.

Currently Supported:

  • Healthcare professionals´ participation in Third Party Organised Educational Events
  • Medical training programs
  • Scholarships and Fellowships
  • Public Awareness Campaigns to provide information and raise awareness among patients, healthcare professionals or the general public about healthcare topics
  • Fully independent third-party scientific research activities run without any direct benefit for Olympus in return

Not supported:

  • Applications from/for individual, directly benefitting healthcare professionals
  • Exchange of benefits, returning advertising opportunities like branded leaflets, booth spaces, etc. to Olympus
  • Funds for medical research
  • Demonstration products samples
  • Donations to charitable organisations
  • Applications below minimum threshold 1,000.00 EUR

Please note: 

Process Overview

Olympus has established an internal and independent process
based on objective criteria to review Grant applications.

Step 1: Complete Olympus EMEA Grant Application Form.

Step 1

Complete Olympus EMEA Grant Application Form.

Step 2:

Step 2

Submit Application Form, signed Letter of Application and supporting documentation to Grants EMEA via

Step 3: Grants EMEA checks completeness of Application Form, Letter of Application and supporting documents.

Step 3

Grants EMEA checks completeness of Application Form, Letter of Application and supporting documents.

Step 4: Grants EMEA checks utilization reports from former Grants conducted to specific Applicant.

Step 4

Grants EMEA checks utilization reports from former Grants conducted to specific Applicant.

Step 5: Group Compliance EMEA performs risk rating for applying organization and responsible persons.

Step 5

Group Compliance EMEA performs risk rating for applying organization and responsible persons.

Step 6

Step 6

Educational Grant: Professional Affairs EMEA rates educational concept based on curriculum.

Research Grant: Clinical Affairs EMEA rates research approach based on research protocol.

Step 7: Review by EMEA Grants Committee / EMEA Subregional Committee.

Step 7

Review by EMEA Grants Committee / EMEA Subregional Committee.

Step 8: If approved, Grants EMEA creates a written contract, to be signed by the HCO, setting out terms and conditions for the Grant.

Step 8

If approved, Grants EMEA creates a written contract, to be signed by the HCO / organization, setting out terms and conditions for the Grant.

Step 9: Receive approved Grant support.

Step 9

Receive approved Grant support.

Step 10: Complete and submit Verification Documents to Grants EMEA (report on utilization).

Step 10

Complete and submit Verification Documents to Grants EMEA (report on utilization).

No later than 90 Calendar Days (12 weeks) after contract end date.


Please contact your Regional Grants Administration via to provide the application
90 days (12 weeks) prior to the targeted receipt of a Grant support. Any Grant is provided on a voluntary basis
and can be declined at any time of the assessment process.

Application Requirements

Where to Apply

Where to Apply

Applications seeking Grants support must apply through e-mail submission.
Please use the EMEA Olympus Grants Team´s e-mail address or the global Olympus Grants Team´s e-mail address

When to Apply

When to Apply

Application documents must be completed properly and entirely submitted at least 90 days (12 weeks) prior to the targeted receipt of a Grant support.

Necessary Information to Apply

Necessary Information to Apply

  • Written and countersigned request letter (2 signees recommended) with organizations’ letterhead included and describing the purpose and use of the grant support requested as well as description of the organization’s purpose
  • Completed Olympus EMEA Grants Application Form
  • Supporting documentation, such as a detailed budget plan and details of e.g. an educational event (curriculum).
  • In case of a Research Grant: Research protocol.
  • Where applicable, evidence that the requesting organization is a non profit organization.

Additional Information

The Olympus EMEA Grants program aims on contribution to improved patient care and driving scientific advances.

Key Areas:

Research and skill improvement primarily in Gastroenterology, Urology and Respiratory for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Good to Know:

With its EMEA Grants program, Olympus aims on sustainable support in line with any compliance requirement. For risk-mitigation purposes, Olympus is performing risk ratings and background checks for each applying organization and its key persons. 

Olympus’ Commitment to Independent Decision-making

The EMEA Grants Committee and Subregional Committees do not make decisions based on the desire to generate goodwill from grant requestors or to reward past or future purchases, referrals or recommendations of Olympus products or services.

Questionnaire: Research Grant vs. Investigator Initiated Trial

Please proceed with all questions carefully. In case of any unclarity, please
contact or

If all questions are answered with “yes”, please proceed with EMEA IIT portal. 

The Application fulfills the following criteria (cumulatively): Research Grant IIT
Performance measure around an Olympus device
Contribute to the scientific Knowledge
Results will be reported to Olympus
Olympus receives clinical study report describing the result of the study
In kind support (Olympus Products) requested
Monetary support requested

Contact Us

Can´t find the answers to your questions? A member of our team would be happy to support.

EMEA Grants and Donations Administration: or +49 40 237730