ORBEYE Helps Surgical Teams Protect Against COVID-19
The ORBEYE was already a technology gaining notice for the way it afforded surgeons “heads up” surgery and the involvement of the entire surgical team, as illustrated in this video from Dr. David Langer at Northwell Health, who has also been followed using the ORBEYE on the Netflix series, Lenox Hill.

Today, in the era of COVID, new research reveals the way ORBEYE further supports surgeons by eliminating the eyepiece issue associated with microsurgery. A recent case report published in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery details how the use of the ORBEYE 4K 3D exoscope allows surgeons to perform otologic surgery with sterile draping and proper PPE without compromising surgical visualization or patient outcomes.
Doctors have reported that conventional eyepiece loupes are difficult to use when a physician is wearing goggles, face shields or hoods, and so the bare eyes may be touching the microscope loupe, in turn causing a significant safety risk. The research indicates that ORBEYE’s elimination of loupes from the workflow can mean improved safety benefits.
This research is especially relevant today as, due to the risk of transmission through aerosols and the high viral load in the nose associated with COVID-19, otolaryngologists are particularly at risk for COVID-19. The ORBEYE technology is part of a potential solution for performing otologic surgery safely while the threat of COVID-19 transmission persists.
ORBEYE allows clinicians to view optical and high-resolution anatomical digital images on a 55-inch monitor, in detail not previously available without the use of microscopic eyepieces. The 3D technology provides natural depth of field visualization while remaining in a natural ergonomic operating position. ORBEYE has been used across a broad range of specialties including, but not limited to, neurosurgery, spine surgery, ENT, plastics, and reconstruction.